The logo for of Nepsis Counseling, PLLC is a hand drawn outline of three mountain peaks

Media Kit

Speaker Bio (100 words)

Sangeetha S. Thomas is a Licensed Professional Counselor and the Owner of Nepsis Counseling in Dallas, Texas. She is also the Director of Mental Health Ministries for the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the USA. As Director, she collaborates with an interdisciplinary team of experts in mental health, ministry, and theology to create resources that support the mental health needs of Orthodox Christians across the United States. As a psychotherapist, Sangeetha works with adults of diverse backgrounds who are healing from trauma, exploring multicultural identity and intergenerational trauma as children of immigrants, and learning to integrate their spiritual identity.

Marketing, Communications, and Social Media

Use the following details on any promotional documents, posts, and communications for your event:

  • Name with Required Credentials (preferred): Sangeetha S. Thomas, LPC

  • Profession/Title: LPC -or- Licensed Professional Counselor

  • Photo: click here to download photo

  • Practice Name and Website: Nepsis Counseling,

Additional details (optional):

  • Prefix: Ms.

  • Name with Degree and Full Credentials: Sangeetha S. Thomas, MS, LPC, NCC

  • Pronunciation: Sung-GHEE-tha (G as in “gear” and TH as in “think”)
    Youtube Video: How to pronounce “Sangeetha”

  • Alternative Title (for documents with limited space): Psychotherapist

  • Specialties: Trauma, Multicultural Identity, and Faith Identity

  • Practice Location: Telehealth based out of Dallas, Texas

  • Years in Practice: since 2019

  • Education:

    • Master of Science in Counseling – Clinical Mental Health Specialty, Addictions Concentration | Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX, 2019

    • Bachelor of Science in Psychology – Minor in Business Administration | The University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX, 2014

  • See “About” page for more information on: Certifications & Advanced Training (continuing education), Professional Experience (employment and internship history), and Professional Membership & Networks.

Presentations & Recordings

  • Princeton Theological Seminary Plenary Session: Navigating Death with Meaning | YouTube link; Apple Podcast link; January 2025
    This plenary was given at the annual mental health conference of Princeton Theological Seminary’s Center for Asian American Christianity. The session explored grief as it intersects with Asian American culture, spirituality, trauma, and neuroscience. The plenary explored and examines the themes of Holy Friday – the passion and death of Christ, to discern a blueprint from which we can better understand and respond to death. Reflecting on psychotherapy, bereavement research, scripture, and theological insights from the Orthodox Christian Church this plenary invited ministry leaders, clinicians, academics, and pastors to consider how death and suffering have been transformed through Christ and, therefore, filled with meaning.

  • Podcast: Christ-Like Love Beyond Stigma and Shame | Apple Podcast link; December 2024
    This episode of Dialogues in Asian American Theology and Ministry, hosted by Dr. David C. Chao through the Center for Asian American Christianity at Princeton Theological Seminary, is a continuation on the topic of death and grief. This discussion guides listeners in understanding how stigma and shame can negatively impact healthy processing of grief and what parish leaders can consider in mitigating these effects within their parish communities.

  • Workshop: Personhood in Co-Suffering Community | YouTube link (audio only); September 2024
    This workshop was conducted at the annual conference of the Orthodox Christian Association of Medicine, Psychology, and Religion (OCAMPR) in Chicago, Illinois and was co-presented with V. Rev. Sean Levine (DMin, MATS, MABS, MDiv, MS). The workshop explored the human person and human relationships according to the theological anthropology of the Orthodox Church, then explored co-suffering, or compassion, through the lens of neurobiology. The workshop demonstrated the Assembly of Bishops Mental Health Ministries’ continued commitment to attending to the needs of the faithful in a way that is both theologically-grounded and clinically-informed.

  • Podcast: Let’s Start with Death | Apple Podcast link; September 2024
    This episode of Dialogues in Asian American Theology and Ministry, hosted by Dr. David C. Chao through the Center for Asian American Christianity at Princeton Theological Seminary, is an introduction to the topic of death and grief. This discussion guides listeners in understanding how grief and trauma can intersect, how faith and culture can impact one’s experience of grief, and how we can all begin processing the intense emotions of grief in a way that is healthy and grounded in Christian faith.

  • Workshop: The Assembly of Bishops’ Mental Health Ministries | YouTube link; July 2024
    This workshop was given at the 47th Biennial Clergy-Laity Congress of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America in San Diego, California. It was co-presented with Randa K. Anderson (PhD), Fr. Vasili Hillhouse (MDiv, MA), and Rebecca Pearsall (MSW). The workshop explored the complex space where spiritual care and ministry can intersect with the mental health needs of parishioners. Panelists discussed the prevalence of mental health concerns in our communities, the impact of socio-cultural stigma around mental health, the implications this can have for an individual's spiritual development, and the various resources available to attend to these growing needs.

  • Presentation: Life After Loss: Rediscovering Hope in Christ through Grief | June 2024
    This two-part presentation was given at St. Andrew Malankara Orthodox Mission Church in Glen Head, New York. Part one of the presentation explores loss, grief, and mourning as an individual experience from the lens of psychology and the greater context of Orthodox Christian faith tradition. Part two of the presentation explores grief from the perspective of family systems and parish support. The presentation included questions for self-reflection, peer group discussion, and resources for practical and spiritual reflection.

  • Presentation: Rest for Your Souls: An Introduction to Trauma-Informed Ministry & Secondary Trauma | May 2024

    This two-part presentation was given as part of a staff retreat for Orthodox Christian Prison Ministry in Raleigh, North Carolina. Part one of the presentation defines core concepts of trauma with the lens of psychology, neuroscience, and theology with discussions that took a special focus on working with people who are incarcerated. Part two of the presentation explored secondary trauma, compassion fatigue, and burnout as individuals working in a ministry that supports others through traumatic experiences. The sessions included private self-reflection on the impact of trauma, practical discussions on self-care, and a facilitated discussion on how staff members can build a culture of peer support.

  • Podcast: Dealing with Trauma | Apple Podcast link; YouTube link; February 2024

    This episode of Live with the Louhs, co-hosted by Rev. Dr. Nicholas Louh and Dr. Roxanne Louh on Ancient Faith Radio, is a basic introduction to the topic of trauma. This discussion defines core concepts of trauma, explores the psychological, physiological, and spiritual impact of trauma on individuals and communities, and introduces resources that are available to support those who are seeking professional help.

  • Presentation: Generational Trauma: Understanding its Impact on Individuals and Relationships | January 2024

    This presentation was given at St. Marina American Coptic Orthodox Church in Dallas, Texas. This is a staple presentation available through Nepsis Counseling, PLLC that explores the complexities of trauma that persists within families across generations and gives special focus to multicultural identity. This 90-minute session was a combination of lecture, partnered discussion, small group discussion, and open Q&A.

  • Workshop: Approaching Mental Health as Ministry | YouTube link (audio only); October 2023
    This workshop was conducted at the annual conference of the Orthodox Christian Association of Medicine, Psychology, and Religion (OCAMPR) in Chicago, Illinois and was co-presented with Katherine Karam McCray (PhD Candidate). It explores how Orthodox Christian theology and anthropology is the foundation which guides the ongoing work of the Assembly of Bishops’ Mental Health Ministries. It also introduces The Living Well, a forthcoming book series exploring Orthodox Christian faith and mental health for laypersons.

  • Panel: Raising Resilient Christians: Understanding Adolescent Mental Health | YouTube link; October 2023

    This panel discussion took place at the annual Clergy-Laity Assembly of the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Chicago in Chicago, Illinois with co-panelists Randa Anderson (PhD) and Alexandria Kalina (MD). It explores the prevalence, contributing factors, and lifelong impacts of mental health concerns among adolescents; the role of parents, ministries, and clergy in supporting adolescents; and therapeutic, psychiatric, relational, and ministry-based resources available for adolescent mental health care.

  • Panel: Religion, Culture, and Mental Health | YouTube link; June 2023
    This panel discussion took place at the Nostos annual summer conference of the Stavros Niarchos Foundation in Athens, Greece with co-panelists Rana Dajani (PhD) and Sunitha Krishnan. It explores the opportunities and challenges present at various points of intersection between religion and culture in addressing mental health concerns today.

  • Presentation: An Orthodox View of Mental Health | audio recording, YouTube link; November 2022
    This presentation was given at the annual conference of the Orthodox Christian Association of Medicine, Psychology, and Religion (OCAMPR) in Chicago, Illinois and was co-presented with Philip Mamalakis (PhD). It introduces Peace of Mind, a new program of the Assembly of Bishops which is designed to equip Orthodox Christian clergy and lay ministry leaders in Mental Health First Aid™ with the context of an original, theological presentation, Orthodox Bridging.

  • Presentation: Identifying and Responding to the Needs of the Church | audio recording, YouTube link; November 2021
    This presentation was given at the annual conference of the Orthodox Christian Association of Medicine, Psychology, and Religion (OCAMPR) in Phoenix, Arizona. It is the first presentation to introduce the work of the Assembly of Bishops’ Mental Health Ministries (formerly, Mental Health Task Force). The presentation explores the results of a nationwide survey administered by the Assembly of Bishops to identify the mental health needs of Orthodox Christian faithful across the United States through a summary of research findings followed by a public discussion.

  • Presentation: Recognizing & Responding to Suicidal Ideation in Therapy | April 2021

    This presentation was given as part of a professional training and consultation series for clinicians conducted by the Counseling Department of Hill Country Bible Church in Austin, Texas. The presentation addresses the person of the therapist, an overview of suicide warning signs, risk assessment and safety planning, and aftercare. This presentation lightly incorporated reflections from a Christian perspective as well as the COVID-19 Pandemic to match the identity and needs of the audience and primary clientele.